Tag Archives: Middle Class

How To Fix Detroit, Michigan and Rockford, Illinois…. They are broken

Rockford, Illinois once a fiancial star of prosperity in the upper midwest is now on the brink of being the Bedroom Community of the Midwest.
Rockford, Illinois once a fiancial star of prosperity in the upper midwest is now on the brink of being the Bedroom Community of the Midwest.
The once proud City of Detroit reflects where so many once Proud American Cities are destine unless "WE" wake up and smell the roses.
The once proud City of Detroit reflects where so many once Proud American Cities are destine unless “WE” wake up and smell the roses.
How To Fix Detroit, Michigan and Rockford, Illinois…. They are broken.

First of all, I must applaud Detroit, Michigan as they have acknowledged they are in need of repair. Rockford on the other hand continues to stick its head in the sand attempting to make jokes of other peoples opinions of just how horrible it is in Rockford, Illinois.

Much like Detroit, Michigan in its history Rockford, Illinois is a dead city that have had many people with the best of intentions try to save the city from is current “3rd Most Miserable City in the USA” award as judged by Fortune Magazine. However, along the way regardless of blame or unlucky outcomes both Detroit and Rockford share more in common than Rockford is willing to admit.

Some I am sure will say that I am a debbie downer or a buzz kill regarding Rockford, Illinois, but I have solutions for both dead cities that can and will make a difference before it is to late. It is time that both cities stop complaining about the high crime, low education levels, lack of jobs, lack of tax base, lack of hope and begin to disect the causes of each difficulty to have any solution.

The solutions are possible. Detroit has acknowelged a desire to find the answers to save their city. I can help.


Why Gun Violence? Lets take one state and build a wall around it for those…

Why Gun Violence? Let’s take one state and build a wall around it for those…

It’s been said by some that guns are the reason for gun violence. I would propose the idea that people are responsible for gun violence. It is truly sad that some in our population lack the education, social graces, motivation, mental capacity, or just luck. Some say that these limitations or obstructions to success are self inflicted, thus the blame falls squarely on those that tend to shoot their self in their foot.

I would argue that unless we completely build a wall around an entire state and ship all those covered under the previous categories to live out their lives in chaos within the walls then we need a viable solution to correcting their status.

The time has arrived for innovation, creativity, genius, open-mindedness, and an understanding that until we respect, accept that their exist a major problem within our population gun violence and or violence in our communities, schools, theaters, work places, and homes will not subside but rather heighten in occurrence.

The plan I have created and desire its implementation will do the following:

1. Increase educational levels for undereducated
2. Increase working wage jobs
3. Increase home sales
4. Increase economic activity via taxes derived from employment
5. Decrease Drug Use
6. Decrease Gun Violence
7. Decrease Violence
8. Decrease Domestic Violence
9. Student discipline issues in schools
10. Decrease unemployment
11. Decrease veterans unemployment
12. Decrease baby boomer unemployment
13. Increase industrial tax base for local and state governments
14. Increase skill based education levels
15. Decrease home foreclosures
16. Decrease personal bankruptcies
17. Decrease teen and young adult deaths due to gun violence

Sequestration normally would equal political suicide if voted on

News Flash: Due to the fact that all three policical parties agree that there must be some cuts to the government it has been decided that not voting on budget cuts saves them from political suicide.

This way all three parties can hem and ha, bicker and complain and clamour for News at 5 headlines telling the voters they are working feverishly and frantically to avoid the massive cuts due to hit March 1.

Who is the fall guy that the American public will blame for the Sequester? Answer: Someone by the name of Bowles – Simpson Bill. Lets face it… Mr. Bill is not an elected politician and is not up for re-election. Unless there is a person and a face to blame the American public can not and will not blame a face or one political party for the entire Sequestration.

On March 1 the cuts will take place, the elected politicians will all moan and grown, and the economy will take one more step toward the “New Normal” for the United States economy.

All the politicians will swear they did their best to avoid the Sequester, while knowing full well that it was needed to trip the deficit. The public will moan and grown for 48 hours and once again have something to complain about regarding the economy.

Finally, the mainstream media will have many evenings of stories showing all the unhappy folks that will be impacted l first hand the ramifications of Mr. Bills bill.

John D. Sutter – CNN – In all due respect…you are wrong

Indeed there is a magic want to create jobs. It takes an innovator, problem solver and perhaps someone that lives it each and every day to in fact search out and find that evasive magic wand that you claim does not exist.

For some reason the media and elected officials refuse to accept that a person not in the public eye, not elected, not terribly egotistical can actually search out find that magic wand to job creation. Really?

Here is the problem in a nutshell:

1. Lack of living wage jobs in America
2. Lack of educated Americans to take the jobs that already exist
3. Corporate America realized that after The Great Recession of 2008 that they no longer need millions of extra employees to get the job done.
4. Unemployed workers want jobs, but either re-training is difficult to accomplish or excessively expensive.
5. 1,000’s of United States Manufacturing companies have moved their manufacturing operations to Japan, China, Korea, Taiwan and other low wage, low skill, low need countries.
6. The middle class is disapearing and the lower class is growing as the nearly 80% of the United States lacks post high school education.
7. Age 40+ Americans are being laid off at astounding numbers as a result of the “new norm” in the global market place as it relates to financial compensation.

CNN – Mr. John D. Sutter the solution is not that difficult, but by no means impossible to impact within each and ever downtrodden community in the USA.

Breaking News: 98% of Walmart Sales manufactured in China

Everyone likes a good deal on everything and anything they purchase. That in my opinion is not a bad aspiration. Everybody would like to purchase 115 oz soda for $1.00. Everyone would like to eat as much McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, Arbys and Pizza Hut food as they humanly consume with the gain of weight on the onset of heart disease.

That being said, when are Americans going to realize that until they really decide that America’s future prosperity is important enough to not shop at a retail establishment that benefits exclusely Walmart stock holders, and China the return of jobs to the USA are not likely?
The number 98% may sound exagerated but in fact that number is a number stated by Walmart executives and even at that they conceed that “the real percentage could be even higher”.

I think it is about time that retail establishments begin to post in their stores much like the calories posted in fast food resturants where each product is manufactured.

Perhaps then companies that manufacture products in the United States will have a more level playing field with the companies that are happy that the public does not know their products are manufactured elseware.

Attention: Unemployed, Under-Employed, Under-Educated you are NOT forgotten

Proud Americans that are Unemployment, Under-employment, Under-educated and Veteran Americans are in need of an innovative, creative solution to provide them with a viable, dignified, educationally sound defined-job-work-force training combined with a company based on the Free Enterprise business model.

I would argue that the vast majority of Americans are outstanding and motivated employees if they are given the chance and education to accomplish their goals. My fellow Americans seek a dignified and respectful living wage jobs that provide them with hope for their now and into their future.

The time has come for a world class manufacturing company that not only produces the worlds best products, but also provides a dignified status of living for its employees that currently exist in the world of the unemployed, underemployed, undereducated and Proud Veterans.

This world-class manufacturing company would provide for an educated on-site training program with the worlds best and highest standards in mind. This company will have on-site a continuing education program that companies will duplicate world-wide.

This company will act as not only the manufacturing company for the best products, but also as a job training company that educates the unemployed, underemployed, undereducated, and proud Veterans to perform job-specific skills at the highest attainable levels.

This world-class manfacturing company would provide a vehicle to reduce a need for gun violence, and other violence as a once frustrated population that would turn to violence would now have a job, eduation and a future.

New Proposed Legislation regard gun violence

This is the partial text of a letter I recently sent to President Barrack Obama regarding violence, schools, education and gun violence.

While I understand the need to discuss gun control and perhaps the type of gun, number of bullets and background checks, these steps sadly represent only buckets of water thrown on the already complicated and controversial reasons for the raging fire.

Painfully, the end result of this raging fire has been the loss of many young lives. While trying to put out the fire is a necessary and admirable goal, the bigger question and objective is to how and why the fire ignited in the first place.

I am asking your Presidential power and influence to propose and champion a legislative initiative entitled Jobs and Education for Americas’ Youth that would begin to provide a comprehensive solution for the raging fire that would act as not only a solution to reduce gun violence and other violence in our American cities, but provide to several generations with a renewed dignity of life that many Americans have long searched.

Hand Gun solution innovation is not exclusive to politicians and the rich.

As a dedicated teacher we emotionally adopt for better or worse each and every student as our essentially our own children. Day-in and day-out we laugh and empathize with our students while listening and regaling in their academic, athletic and personal triumphs during the school year. During my teaching career I have experienced on several instances the unenviable devastation of the empty seat or students emotionally devastated and distraught at the death of a classmate or a loved one as a result of gun violence the night prior. That painful and heart wrenching reality is my personal motivation for this effort`.