Tag Archives: Underemployed

(Gun Violence + Young People + Unemployment) x Little Hope = Local Newspaper Obituaries

Rockford has a horrible history of young people being dead at a very, very young age.
Rockford has a horrible history of young people being dead at a very, very young age.
(Gun Violence + Young People + Unemployment) x Little Hope = Local Newspaper Obituaries.

As a sophomore in high school in 1976 I started coaching youth baseball during the summer. I went on to coach little kids in baseball for 12 years almost every summer and love each and every ball, strike and out. As a young adult I worked for a local community center in shall I say a “marginal” area of town where gang violence was sadly and tragically abundant.

I became creative and dedicated to finding solutions to the gun, gang and young people doing the wrong things at the wrong times and ending up dead. With the assistance of a local YMCA we created a “Late Night or Midnight Basketball League” targeted for “at risk” young people. The program started at 10:00 p.m. and the basketball games ended at approximately 2:30 a.m.

Proudly for the last nearly 14 years I have been teaching high school business, computers, newspaper, yearbook, accounting to a population that is represented by 85% free/reduced lunches, 7th highest city crime statistics, and 3rd most miserable city to live. Sadly, I have developed a diverse, complicated first hand knowledge of the difficulties faced in difficult times in difficult at best surroundings.

1. Was the program a success? YES
2. Did it reduce gun violence during its offering? YES
3. Did fewer young people end up Dead? YES
4. Was it a long-term program that could make a long-term impact? NO

What this program did show was that given a large, complicated problem of gang/young people having nothing to do in the evening with way to much energy solutions could be discovered.

1. Is there an easy answer to gun violence, gangs, underemployment, unemployment, companies with manufacturing operations in third world countries? NO
2. Is a solution to these impossible? NO
3. Is the solution difficult, complicated, and creative? YES
4. Do I have those answers? YES


Why Gun Violence? Lets take one state and build a wall around it for those…

Why Gun Violence? Let’s take one state and build a wall around it for those…

It’s been said by some that guns are the reason for gun violence. I would propose the idea that people are responsible for gun violence. It is truly sad that some in our population lack the education, social graces, motivation, mental capacity, or just luck. Some say that these limitations or obstructions to success are self inflicted, thus the blame falls squarely on those that tend to shoot their self in their foot.

I would argue that unless we completely build a wall around an entire state and ship all those covered under the previous categories to live out their lives in chaos within the walls then we need a viable solution to correcting their status.

The time has arrived for innovation, creativity, genius, open-mindedness, and an understanding that until we respect, accept that their exist a major problem within our population gun violence and or violence in our communities, schools, theaters, work places, and homes will not subside but rather heighten in occurrence.

The plan I have created and desire its implementation will do the following:

1. Increase educational levels for undereducated
2. Increase working wage jobs
3. Increase home sales
4. Increase economic activity via taxes derived from employment
5. Decrease Drug Use
6. Decrease Gun Violence
7. Decrease Violence
8. Decrease Domestic Violence
9. Student discipline issues in schools
10. Decrease unemployment
11. Decrease veterans unemployment
12. Decrease baby boomer unemployment
13. Increase industrial tax base for local and state governments
14. Increase skill based education levels
15. Decrease home foreclosures
16. Decrease personal bankruptcies
17. Decrease teen and young adult deaths due to gun violence

Unemployed, Under-educated, Unloved adults often ignored

I am proud to say that I am a high school teacher in an inner city, Rockford Illinois. Recently I asked my students their explanation of gun violence and/or violence in our community.

The results were surprising and exasperating at the same time.

1. Under-educated adults due to lack of parental guidance and support
2. Over 20, incapable of attending and graduating tech school or college due to family responsibilties
3. Unloved young people seeking family seek out gang families

The way I see it is that “we” the United States of America lack any program or job/education/training program for young adults and adults alike that:

1. Have a GED
2. No GED but would like a realistic reason to pursue GED
3. Unemployed Tech School, Junior College, or University that needs job specific education

My personal opinion: “We” need a viable for-profit business operation that attempts to engage the disengaged population of young adults and adults that have been cast off as a lost population.

I have a plan that does this and God willing I will at some point get the ear of someone that can/will make it happen.

Breaking News: 98% of Walmart Sales manufactured in China

Everyone likes a good deal on everything and anything they purchase. That in my opinion is not a bad aspiration. Everybody would like to purchase 115 oz soda for $1.00. Everyone would like to eat as much McDonalds, Burger King, Wendys, Arbys and Pizza Hut food as they humanly consume with the gain of weight on the onset of heart disease.

That being said, when are Americans going to realize that until they really decide that America’s future prosperity is important enough to not shop at a retail establishment that benefits exclusely Walmart stock holders, and China the return of jobs to the USA are not likely?
The number 98% may sound exagerated but in fact that number is a number stated by Walmart executives and even at that they conceed that “the real percentage could be even higher”.

I think it is about time that retail establishments begin to post in their stores much like the calories posted in fast food resturants where each product is manufactured.

Perhaps then companies that manufacture products in the United States will have a more level playing field with the companies that are happy that the public does not know their products are manufactured elseware.

Unemployed, Underemployed, Undereducated, Un-Family support team, Un-Loving family

For my entire life I have cared about everyone not just the hip or popular but also those that perhaps are not conventional that may flunk the test of Perception is 98% of Reality.

There are those of us that are fall under one if not many of the catelgories of Unemployed, Underemployed, Undereducated, Un-Family support team, Un-Loving family that none the less seek a dignified day to day existance.

I am a strong believer in the Free Enterprise System and not a big advocate of entitlement. What I am trying to do with my blog is to get the attention of the our elected officials to convey that as an innovator, problem solver and entreprenuer that I have devised a plan not to limit 2nd amendment rights we all have but rather instead to limit the needs for the bad guys to have a reason to pick up the innate gun and use it for the wrong reason.

Attention: Unemployed, Under-Employed, Under-Educated you are NOT forgotten

Proud Americans that are Unemployment, Under-employment, Under-educated and Veteran Americans are in need of an innovative, creative solution to provide them with a viable, dignified, educationally sound defined-job-work-force training combined with a company based on the Free Enterprise business model.

I would argue that the vast majority of Americans are outstanding and motivated employees if they are given the chance and education to accomplish their goals. My fellow Americans seek a dignified and respectful living wage jobs that provide them with hope for their now and into their future.

The time has come for a world class manufacturing company that not only produces the worlds best products, but also provides a dignified status of living for its employees that currently exist in the world of the unemployed, underemployed, undereducated and Proud Veterans.

This world-class manufacturing company would provide for an educated on-site training program with the worlds best and highest standards in mind. This company will have on-site a continuing education program that companies will duplicate world-wide.

This company will act as not only the manufacturing company for the best products, but also as a job training company that educates the unemployed, underemployed, undereducated, and proud Veterans to perform job-specific skills at the highest attainable levels.

This world-class manfacturing company would provide a vehicle to reduce a need for gun violence, and other violence as a once frustrated population that would turn to violence would now have a job, eduation and a future.