USA forgot how to innovate…let’s remember

USA forgot how to innovate…let’s remember

Innovation and the desire and willingness to innovate are what made the United States of America the incredible country it is today. Sadly, that same innovation ability has faltered regarding new industry, inventions and or services. Instead most of our companies are tweaking old designs of inventions and industries that have existed for a very long time.

The global meltdown in 2008 cost 100,000’s jobs and now we are seeing a economic recovery unlike any post recession or depression experience. The recovery has become known as the “Jobless Recovery”.

Thus the argument for this blog:
The financial markets are hitting records, companies are making record profits and yet the companies’ generally did not rehire layoff employees from the 2008 meltdown. Sadly, companies realized they could achieve “like” or “better” financial results without hiring back employees by better use of computers or robots.

That is fact… now Americans must begin to do what made us the great nation we are today… TIME TO INNOVATE once again.

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