Tag Archives: Gun Violence

Save Lives, Save Children, Make Living Wage Jobs, Create Self Dignity

Save Lives, Save Children, Make Living Wage Jobs, Create Self Dignity. I don’t really think my goals are that difficult to understand. What rule is it that states if one is not an elected official and/or not a President/CEO of a major multi-billion dollar company one can not create and/envision a significant/major solution to gun violence in the USA?

US Companies currently manufacturing other than America partial solution to gun violence

Ok people it is time to wake and smell the roses. It’s time to stop picking on the companies that have chosen to manufacture their products in some other country versus right here in the USA. Don’t entirely blame the companies; it is “us” the consumer and their stock holders that demand they make the substantial profit the companies are making combined with selling their products at incredibly low prices. If anyone would like to pay an additional 20%-30% more for nearly all products they purchase please step forward.

The time has arrived to make friends with these companies that currently have been wise and manufactured their products in other countries. A discussion to provide them with financially intelligent choices based on optimum profits and stock holder happiness can and will provide a compelling reason for bringing them their manufacturing and assembly operations back to the USA.

Dead is gaining… we need to slow it down.

It seems that every day when I log into my computer before classes start and my teacher responsibilities begin at Jefferson High School in Rockford, Illinois that CNN.Com highlights or news flashes yet another mass shooting. Early on often the reason or motive appears to be non-existent or missing all together. Sometimes however the media outlet does convey a motive that might include a thin but real motive similar to the magnitude of a property line disagreement, or perhaps a person seeking their 15 minutes of fame. The sad thing is that the list of dead has grown yet again and CNN.com is passing on the grim details for all to read or watch.

It is time that our elected officials focus on the cause or motivation of what exists in the persons mind to make the conscious decision to pick up the gun or knife and commit the deadly life ending crime. As a teacher at an inner city school I recently posed to my students the same question/thought.

It would be simple to propose all sorts of legislation to limit our Constitutional Rights, propose larger jails, employ more police, employ more judges, give money away to not for profits to fix the problem, and/or propose ill advised economic development projects using tax payer money in areas that are predisposed to high crime.

While these solutions make for great NEWS at 5:00 Political ribbon cuttings and the like… they are only a small band-aid on the cut or a cup of water on an already raging fire. The better solution is to determine what created the cut and what ignited the fire.

Question: Gun Violence, Unemployment Answer: Innovation American Style

Attention: Rockord Register Star, Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, CNN Money, CNN, Business Week, The Washington Post, Google, Bill Gates

Complaining about gun violence, unemployment and high crime rates in Chicago, or Rockford Illinois is getting very popular for local politicans and the media.

I think all the politicians in both Rockford and Chicago Illinois should get together and have a really big press conference for all the media to attend to provide as much “NEWS AT 5” footage as possible. Lets hear all the complaints about lack of police officers, lack of jail space, lack of handcuffs and finally the need for stiffer sentences for those that break the crimes.

At what point will there be a willingness to sit down with innovators, problem solvers, high ranking “Decision Maker” politicians to develop, implement Free Enterprise business model solutions to the “reasons or causes” of gun violence/violence and high crime rates?

Attention: Unemployed, Under-Employed, Under-Educated you are NOT forgotten

Proud Americans that are Unemployment, Under-employment, Under-educated and Veteran Americans are in need of an innovative, creative solution to provide them with a viable, dignified, educationally sound defined-job-work-force training combined with a company based on the Free Enterprise business model.

I would argue that the vast majority of Americans are outstanding and motivated employees if they are given the chance and education to accomplish their goals. My fellow Americans seek a dignified and respectful living wage jobs that provide them with hope for their now and into their future.

The time has come for a world class manufacturing company that not only produces the worlds best products, but also provides a dignified status of living for its employees that currently exist in the world of the unemployed, underemployed, undereducated and Proud Veterans.

This world-class manufacturing company would provide for an educated on-site training program with the worlds best and highest standards in mind. This company will have on-site a continuing education program that companies will duplicate world-wide.

This company will act as not only the manufacturing company for the best products, but also as a job training company that educates the unemployed, underemployed, undereducated, and proud Veterans to perform job-specific skills at the highest attainable levels.

This world-class manfacturing company would provide a vehicle to reduce a need for gun violence, and other violence as a once frustrated population that would turn to violence would now have a job, eduation and a future.

Lower Class or Middle Class should NOT Equal Poverty Existance & Crime

In the city of Rockford, IL., during the last census I discovered with great disapointment but not surprised that only 20% of the adult populuation of 160,000 had a post high school education. Sadly that calculated number is a miserale 32,000 people probably live a day to day existance above economic poverty level.

Currently at the high school I teach the “free or reduced” lunch rate (those that are considered poverty) is 85% which closely equates to the post high school education census rate for the population of Rockford, Illinois. While this may not be a scientific connection, it appears as though there is a strong connection.

Murders, Parking Lot Muggings, Home Break-ins, Burglaries, Purse Snatching and other violent and non violent crimes are on the increase in alarming proportions. I would argue that Rockford, Illinois is not unlike many cities in the United States.

I am asking The President of the United States to use his full Presidential influence and power to propose and champion a legislative initiative. This bill is entitled Jobs and Education for Americas’ Youth that would begin to provide a comprehensive solution for the raging fire that would act as not only a solution to reduce gun violence and other violence in our American cities, but provide to several generations with a renewed dignity of life that many Americans have long searched.

The Jobs and Education for Americas’ Youth legislative bill does and will provide a palatable framework for a public – private partnership that will inspire and motivate via financial incentives the return of manufacturing jobs to the USA.

Dear Mr. President & Tim Cook “I call both of you out”

Let me start by congratulating you on your second term as President of the United States.

As a high school teacher at Jefferson High School in Rockford, Illinois I teach business, entrepreneurship, accounting, and on a daily basis “life” to a student population that reflects 85% free and/or reduced lunches with only 20% of the city population having a post high school education.

Rockford, Illinois is a very proud but suffering city in nortern Illinois. Historically, Rockford has made its economic mistakes much like most U.S. cities. That being said, let me say that the population that makes up Rockford, Illinois has historically be a very proud population. Sadly, the economic base in this once proud city has melted much like the last snow fall of the winter season.

During your State of Union message tonight please be aware that while you have accomplished a great deal in your first term, there are a great deal more that you need and must accomplish. It’s my understanding that your beautiful wife will be seated next to Mr. Tim Cook the CEO of Apple. As the leader of the free world it is a good thing to connect your influence with the leader and poster child for the Free Enterprise System.

While I admire both of you a great deal, it is also very alarming Tim Cooks recent interview with 60 Minutes regarding Apples opinion of US workers. While I may not agree with his entire representation, some however is painfully true. That being said, “We” as proud Americans “CAN NOT” accept that U.S. employees are second rate or unwilling to be productive in the world economic marketplace.

As a closet fan of old westerns I am forced at this time to “Call both you Mr. President and Tim Cook out” in regards to jobs, education, living wage jobs, and dignity for those that are proud and willing, but lack struggle in todays college workforce. I have a legislative bill named and Education for Americas’ Youth that will provide jobs, jobs, jobs, and education, education, education for 1,000,000 proud Americans.

New Proposed Legislation regard gun violence

This is the partial text of a letter I recently sent to President Barrack Obama regarding violence, schools, education and gun violence.

While I understand the need to discuss gun control and perhaps the type of gun, number of bullets and background checks, these steps sadly represent only buckets of water thrown on the already complicated and controversial reasons for the raging fire.

Painfully, the end result of this raging fire has been the loss of many young lives. While trying to put out the fire is a necessary and admirable goal, the bigger question and objective is to how and why the fire ignited in the first place.

I am asking your Presidential power and influence to propose and champion a legislative initiative entitled Jobs and Education for Americas’ Youth that would begin to provide a comprehensive solution for the raging fire that would act as not only a solution to reduce gun violence and other violence in our American cities, but provide to several generations with a renewed dignity of life that many Americans have long searched.

Hand Gun solution innovation is not exclusive to politicians and the rich.

As a dedicated teacher we emotionally adopt for better or worse each and every student as our essentially our own children. Day-in and day-out we laugh and empathize with our students while listening and regaling in their academic, athletic and personal triumphs during the school year. During my teaching career I have experienced on several instances the unenviable devastation of the empty seat or students emotionally devastated and distraught at the death of a classmate or a loved one as a result of gun violence the night prior. That painful and heart wrenching reality is my personal motivation for this effort`.

Gun Violence in the USA needs to address cause for needing the guns FIRST

Since the start of the school year I have challenged my students to define the serious and difficult problems that impact their lives on a daily basis in their community. I have impressed upon them that knowing the problem without some suggestion of corrective action is not only a need but a life challenge/skill they will practice many, many times in their adult life.

The four difficulties below highlight student observations of the cause but also corrective actions for what they see as community problems.

  1. Living wage jobs for young adults that cannot afford college/university/trade/technical school or do not wish to attend
  2. Local gun and non gun violence
  3. Living wage jobs for their parents that by in large have graduated from high school
  4. Job specific training for real jobs that does not require a vast and expensive education that many cannot afford or accomplish